Call for Artists 2017


Ogni anno, all’interno del festival, CHEAP apre uno spazio di partecipazione attraverso una Call for Artist, indirizzata non solo a street artist, ma anche a chi si occupa di grafica, fotografia, illustrazione ed arte visiva in generale: in risposta alla Call, CHEAP ha ricevuto lavori da artist* e paesi molto distanti tra loro, stampandoli nel formato poster e installandoli con il paste up sulle circa 250 ex tabelle affissive del circuito CHEAP On Board, nel centro storico di Bologna.

Qui potete vedere il video del lavoro collettivo che abbiamo fatto nel 2016.

Anche nel 2017, per il quinto anno consecutivo, ci auguriamo che la Call for Artist  continui a essere lo strumento attraverso il quale  indagare tematiche attuali partendo dal basso, valorizzando l’ibridazione dei linguaggi espressivi e agendo riappropriazioni collettive di spazi nei quali liberare energie creative.


DISORDER / DISORDINE – è questo il tema della Call for Artist 2017 scelto da CHEAP per innescare un moto caotico di espressioni artistiche, creative e indipendenti con cui immaginare nuove forme e nuove declinazione di questo concetto attraverso le arti visive.

Vogliamo stimolare un’agitazione semantica, scompaginare i limiti dei linguaggi dell’arte, utilizzare lo spazio pubblico dove ogni anno CHEAP espone i contributi giunti della Call for Artist per rompere l’ordine estetico fondato sulla dicotomia bello/brutto, decoroso/vandalico, legale/illegale.

Vi chiediamo di misurare i gradi di entropia dei vostri sistemi, di violare con noi le simmetrie, di strutturare l’eccesso, di dare una forma al turbamento.

Non cerchiamo una sintesi, non ci interessano le risposte innocue: abbiamo bisogno di altri conflitti, di nuove tensioni, di sregolatezze, di contraddizioni. DISORDER, please.

Per Sapere come Partecipare e scaricare il modulo di adesione, VAI Alla Sezione CALL

[:en]Every year CHEAP creates a space for participation in the festival by issuing a call for artists open to not only street artists but also graphic designers, photographers, illustrators and visual artists in general. The CHEAP call brought in pieces from far-flung artists and countries which were printed in a poster format and pasted up on the walls of Bologna’s suburbs.
For CHEAP, this open call is a way of investigating contemporary issues from the bottom up, fostering the cross-contamination of expressive languages, supporting active citizenship and collectively re-appropriating spaces in which artists can unleash their creative energies.

Open Call 2017: DISORDER, Please.

DISORDER – this is the theme CHEAP has chosen for its 2017 CALL for ARTISTS, to set off a chaotic wave of artistic, creative and independent expression for imagining new forms and articulations of disorder through the visual arts.

We are looking to stir up semantic disturbances and upset the limits of artistic languages, using the public space where CHEAP displays the work received in response to the call for artists every year to break down the aesthetic order based on good/bad, respectable/vandalistic, legal /illegal dichotomies.

We call on you to gauge the degree of your systems’ entropy, to join us in violating symmetries and structuring excess, to give a shape to commotion.
We do not seek synthesis and innocuous answers do not interest us: we need more conflict, new tensions, excesses and contradictions. DISORDER, please!

Conditions for participation

The call is open to anyone who would like to propose a poster art project. It is free to participate and applicants can take part individually or as a group; collectives will be treated as individual persons.

How to participate and application deadline

Each individual or group may propose up to three projects, which must be received by the Festival organizers no later than midnight (Italian time) on March 26, 2017. The artwork must be inserted (together with a completed and signed Registration Form, which can be downloaded from the website) in a folder with the name of the individual artist or collective. The folder should be sent to using regular email or a file sharing program.
If you use an artist name, please indicate it on the registration form and in the name of the folder.

Technical specifications for the projects

The pieces can be created using any of the following techniques: vector graphics, illustration, photography and/or collage. Each applicant is welcome to send up to 3 posters (pieces). The posters must be exclusively in black and white (including the entire grey scale). All files must be in .pdf or .jpg format. The poster must be a maximum of 70×100 cm (vertical) or 100×70 cm (horizontal) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Each file must be named as follows: number of the image, name of the artist, measurements.

01_mario_rossi_70x100 (for vertical formats)
01_mario_rossi_100x70 (for horizontal formats)

To help you, there is a folder (PSD_POSTER) you can download from the website containing two files that are already sized 70x100cm and 100x70cm, in .psd format.
USE THESE TWO FILES AS TEMPLATES for your vertical or horizontal posters.
All you need to do is paste your piece onto the grey layer named IMMAGINE and write your first and last name or artist name in the text layer named NOME/NAME, then save the file as a .pdf or .jpg and name it as indicated above.
These files include a locked layer named CHEAP, please do not delete or cover this layer.


The organizers of CHEAP reserve the right to select pieces that display originality as well as marked aesthetic and communicative qualities.


Any pieces received after the deadline and/or that fail to follow the technical specifications outlined above will be excluded.

Selected projects

The festival will announce which projects have been selected within 20 days of the end of the open call by publishing the names of selected artists in a special section of the site.

Use of selected projects

The selected projects will be printed at the Festival’s expense and hung up in specific parts of the city of Bologna for the duration of the Festival.


The authors of individual projects are the exclusive holders of ownership rights associated with the artwork, the originality of which they personally vouch for. By participating in the open call, the artists also implicitly agree to the rules of the call, specifically, that the artwork will be temporary displayed in an urban space and used by the organizers to promote the non-profit activities of the CHEAP association.
For additional information, please write to